sewsys – ett verktyg för att bestämma källor till dagvattenföroreningar och pröva olika åtgärder / SEWSYS – a tool for analysis of stormwater pollution sources and evaluation of abatement strategies
Stormwater is known to be a potentially large contributor of toxic substances to receiving waters. To be able to model scenarios related to abatement strategies and quality source control, i.e. reducing the pollutants at the source, a substance flow modelling tool has been developed. The computer model is called SEWSYS and the
modelling framework incorporates generation and transport of pollutants in the urban drainage system. The sources of pollutants coming from different activities in the urban area are separated in their respective origin, i.e. material corrosion, brake wear, tyre wear etc. The main feature of the model is that it enables a source based
pollution analysis of urban drainage systems. At present the model contains 20 different substances, including nutrients, heavy metals and organic pollutants. The modelling framework handles both domestic wastewater and stormwater, in either combined or separate sewer systems. The model’s usefulness is demonstrated using a
selection of results from two application studies where SEWSYS was used for the modelling of substance flows. Based on the level of detail in the model’s output of stormwater pollution, it is clear that SEWSYS represents a useful tool for simulating and evaluating quality source control measures.