SKYDDSOMRÅDEN FÖR VATTENTÄKTER I GÖTEBORGS OCH BOHUS LÄN / Protection Areas for Water Supplies in the County of Göteborg and Bohus, South-Western Sweden
In the county of Göteborg and Bohus 90 % of the 740,000 inhabitants are dependent on municipal water, mainly from surface water resources. However, the number of groundwater wells exceeds that of surface water supplies, supporting the most densely populated areas. In spite of high vulnerability to pollution and lack of alternative water in case of accident, only 25 municipal and 12 private water supplies are covered by protection areas, established by different laws, with various restrictions for the benefit of water protection. Some 51 % of the municipal water supplies are in total lack of protection areas. Moreover, 49 % of the water supplies with protection areas have not been established on any geohydrological basis. Results from a regional investigation indicate that at least 76 water supplies in the county, both municipal and private, require more efficient water protection. “Complete abstract not presented.”