The hardness of water, or rather the concentration of calcium and the alkalinity, has throughout the years been described with great diversity and imagination. The aim has always been to simplify the actual, nuanced and complex chemistry in question. The many assumptions and terms for these simplifications have in course of time become vague or even forgotten in today’s practice.
After numerous assumptions, the strong efforts to simplify have led to a paradox (seemingly accurate, yet a false statement). For example: Ca(HCO3)2 = CO2 + CaCO3 The process to the left is a reaction, even though there are ions of calcium and hydrogen carbonate present in the solution. Hydrogen carbonate cannot coexist with carbon dioxide (carbonic acid) and simultaneously form as much precipitation of calcium carbonate.
To base today’s technology – the treatment of soft water at water works in Scandinavia (Sweden in particular) by increasing the concentration of calcium — on chemical formula, theoretical assumptions, calculations and foundations stated in the beginning of this century, is misleading / incorrect / misapplication.