The local water laboratory – an asset, or something to dispose? / Det lokala vattenlaboratoriet – en tillgång, eller värt att avveckla?
The modern use of water for various needs result in a complex polluted wastewater. The needs to purify the used water will by time deepen into more demanding questions. The needs for an efficient and on-site control will thus become more and more pronounced. This paper focuses on the importance to have an efficient laboratory facility located at the treatment facility. The needed local competence for the pollution control is related to the correct handling and performance of the samples. In the text four “key words” are suggested as paradigms for the successful control: The art of sampling and analysis may be summarized by the following words: “WHY- WHEN – WHERE – HOW?”. Some illustrating examples are given on shortages in the control and understanding of the requirements for and efficient handling of sampling, as well as adequate comparisons of the analyses results.