VA-SITUATIONEN I IRAK – PROBLEM OCH MÖJLIGHETER TILL MOTÅTGÄRDER / Water and Wastewater Situation in Iraq – Problems and Possibilities for Counter-measures
A summary is given on the water and wastewater situation in Iraq before the Gulf war 1991, the situation after the Gulf war and the recent effects of the conflict 2003. The access of safe water was halved in certain counties after March 2003 and half of the sewage works was out of function with a discharge of untreated wastewater to rivers and channels. The supply of electricity was less than 4 hours per day in January 2004 and caused discharges of untreated sewage on streets etc. Leakage from the water net was estimated to 60 %. The wastewater system in 3 out of 5 schools was estimated to be out of function and epidemics have especially affected children and caused an increased mortality. Special issues as illegal openings of water pipes and security have worsened
the situation. Swedish knowledge in water and wastewater handling may have an important role in rebuilding water and wastewater handling in Iraq and different possibilities are given.