VATTENEXPORT I STOR SKALA FRÅN SVERIGE OCH FINLAND / Water export on large scale from Sweden and Finland
Scientists at the Royal Institute of Technology and members of the Swedish Water Environmental Council have completed a pre-investigation concerning the conditions for export of water on a large scale from Sweden and Finland.
Different aspects associated with water export were studied within the frame of the pre-investigation. They involve global and regional needs of freshwater, techniques for large scale extraction of surface water and groundwater in Sweden and Finland, transport, techniques for receiving and distribution of large amounts of water, economical and legal aspects as well as environmental consequences.
The most suitable freshwater resource in Sweden and Finland for large scale export is the surface water. Approximately 3 billion m3/year can be extracted from the largest rivers in Sweden and Finland, even if the extraction is limited to 10 % of the least low water discharge.
A detailed study of the Dalälven River is included in the report. It assumes an extraction of 100 million m3/year (3 m3/s), transport with tankers from an offshore-buoy to a receiving facility situated on the German coast outside Rostock. The study implies that the extraction and receiving facilities are possible to construct using known technology and that the price of the water, extracted and delivered, probably will be lower than the cost for desalination of sea water. The detailed study also analysis the environmental impact on the Dalälven River as well as legal and economical aspects on large scale water export from this river.
Finally, a strategy for further investigations concerning the large scale export of water is identified and suggested in the report.